

Rabiʻ I 9, 1445 AH (September 24, 2023)

We had to forgo the initial building we’ve secured to establish Markaz Ibn Taymiyyah because of unforeseen renovation needs that went past the expected renovation costs, and unmet fundraising targets.

Please understand we are actively searching for a new location for the Markaz. In the meantime, we will be using transitional spaces to conduct activities until we find a new location.”
We remember during these times of struggle the statement of Imām Mālik رحمه الله (d. 178H):

ما كان لله بقي

“What is done for Allah remains.”

Markaz Ibn Taymiyyah Appeal

Books Distributed

Brief history of our free book distributions

Part of our dawah effort is giving away books free of charge in our community.

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